A loan helped a member to purchase products wholesale.

801 Fenix 2023 Group's story

The communal bank 801 Fenix 2023, as part of the Agencia El Carmen, is made up of 9 members who are friends and neighbors from the zone. It is led by officers, of whom Fernanda Lizet is the president.

Fernanda Lizet is 29 years old, in a committed relationship, and does not have children. She currently has her business selling cosmetics in her home.

The loan she will get now is to increase her capital to purchase products wholesale, which she will get from the sellers who sell in the markets in the city of Trinidad. Later, she will sell them in her sales space.

This type of work allows her to generate resources to support her family financially. Her aspirations are for her business to continue to grow and to have a furnished house. Fernanda Lizet asks you to continue trusting in her communal bank.

In this group: Yanela, Robert, Erikson, Ana Melissa, Luis Fernando , Lizeth, Ana Karin , Fernanda Lizet, Tony

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It provides low-income, micro entrepreneurs with loans to increase their income.

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