A loan helped a member to purchase oil, chicken, seasonings, meat, etc.

Mujeres A Todo Terreno Group's story

Ruth is thirty-five years old, single, and the mother of two children. She works making and selling tacos and enchiladas at coffee farms near the community. She hopes to establish a convenience store in her house.

She asks FUNDENUSE for another loan with Kiva funds to purchase oil, chicken, seasonings, meat, etc. Her goal is to continue growing and offering better products to her customers.

She is part of the Mujeres a Todo Terreno solidarity group with Conny, Helen and Daysi, who also work in sales.

In this group: Ruth, Conny, Helen, Daysi

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It helps promote financial inclusion in Nicaragua's rural northwest.

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