A loan helped a member to buy three dozen abayas, half a bale of embroidered cloth and 10kg of incense.

Darou Rahmane Yattassaye Group's story

Mme Aminata, 47, is a widow and a mother to three children, two of whom are boys. She has been practising sewing and retail for more than 17 years and has her own shop in a shopping centre. Despite not being the only one to offer this business, she has her own customers who are very loyal to her.

With her profits, she will strengthen her business and cover her family's needs.

In this group: Mame Diarra, Aminata, Fatoumata, Adiarra, Rama, Absa, Astou, Awa, Maguette Sangol, Khady, Ndèye Yacine, Ndiouma

Translated from French.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural and suburban Senegal.

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Lenders and lending teams

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