A loan helped a member to buy perfumes, creams, lipsticks, and more.

Las Mujeres Florecen Group's story

Antonia is 49 years old. She is single and the mother of six children. She makes her living going around her community and selling cosmetics. Thanks to previous loans, her business has grown a lot, and now she has two more employees. She is asking for a new loan in Fundenuse, with Kiva funds, to buy perfumes, creams, lipsticks, and more. Together with Mary, María, María Cristina, and Marling, all of them businesswomen, they make up the "Las Mujeres Florecen" solidarity group.

In this group: Antonia, Mary, María, María Cristina, Marling

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Chris Marquardt, CT.

This loan is special because:

It helps promote financial inclusion in Nicaragua's rural northwest.

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