A loan helped a member to pay for the addition of a larger veranda for her prepared foods business.

804 Guerrera Group's story

The 804 Guerrera community bank which is part of the Central Riberalta Agency consists of nine members who are friends and neighbors in the area. It is governed by a board of directors where Ms. Roseli is the president.

Roseli is 29 years old, single and has three children. She currently has a business selling prepared foods at her home.

She will use this loan to increase her capital for the addition of a larger veranda that she will acquire from the merchants that sell them in the markets of Riberalta. After setting up this area for sales this way of working will enable her to generate income to support her family.

Financially, her goals are to be able to enable her children to become professionals and to have a furnished house.

Roseli asks that you continue to trust in her community bank.

In this group: Nelly, Maria Teresa, Yasmine, Carmen Elizabeth, Yesicka, Silvia Alejandra, Gabriela, Roseli, Margarita

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Mary Jean .

This loan is special because:

It provides low-income, micro entrepreneurs with loans to increase their income.

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