A loan helped a member to buy shirts, trousers, dresses, etc.

Mujeres Emprendedora Group's story

Ninoska is nineteen years old. She started her business selling new and second hand clothing with help from her mother. She is requesting a new loan from Fundenuse with Kiva funds to buy raw materials, as the previous loan helped her to make a good income, and therefore increase her stock for next season. The group Mujeres Emprendedora is made up of Luz, who buys and sells cuajada [a type of Nicaraguan cheese], Henry, who works butchering pigs, and Saraí, who makes tortillas and sells second hand clothing. They are all very happy and grateful for the support provided.

In this group: Saraí , Ninoska, Luz, Henry

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Elizabeth Daw.

This loan is special because:

It helps promote financial inclusion in Nicaragua's rural northwest.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details