A loan helped a member to buy bags of black-eyed peas, cans of vegetable oil, bags of sugar, and boxes of tea.

Kd2_S. Maounde Yaffa Group's story

This group, created in November 2009, is made up of members living in the same village and surrounding areas. They maintain good neighborly relations and their business is small retail.

Standing to the right of the photo raising her hand, Diabou is the head of the group. She is 43 years old, married and the mother of three daughters.

With the loan received, she is buying a bag of black-eyed peas, a bag of sugar, a can of oil, a carton of tea, onions and other condiments used for breakfast preparation to resell. Her clientele is made up of residents of the village and surrounding areas.

The profits will be used to strengthen savings and pay for the children's education.

In this group: Diabou, Khady, Aissatou, Khadiatou Essence, Fatou, Haby, Gnilane, Marie St Wopa, Rouguyatou, Ansatou, Mariama, Kadidiatou, Mariama Demba , Aminata , Ansata Meta , Aissatou, Mariama Bailo, Kadidiatou Maoudo, Fatou, Ramatoulaye, Awa, Dado, Khady, Fatoumata

Translated from French.

This loan is special because:

It empowers entrepreneurs living in rural Senegal.

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