Yessbel is a young, single mother. She devotes herself to selling used clothes. She is 32 years old. She started selling used clothes when she was 18 years old. She now has various established sales routes in the municipality because of the acceptance of the products due to their quality and affordable prices.
She is requesting a Kiva loan with Fundenuse in order to get working capital. This way she will stock her business with new merchandise in order to meet her customers' demand.
The communal bank is comprised of Yadira, who sells used clothes and Flerida, who makes and sells donuts, marzipan, quesadillas, shortbread, and pastries. They hope to continue growing in their businesses in a positive way.
In this group: Yessbel, Yadira, Flerida
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish. View original language description.