A loan helped a member purchase merchandise and expand her business.

Moscu Group's story

32 year old LAURA EVELIN CASTELLON is married and has 2 children. For about 5 years she has been selling household electric appliances. On a typical day, she gets her children ready for school, then goes to work in her store.
Laura's main goal is to grow her business and increase her inventory, which will help her children get ahead. She will invest this loan in the purchase of merchandise which will expand her business.

In this group: Fabiola Nirze, Silvia Briggitte, Dardo, Joel , Fabiana Andrea, Laura Evelin, Jessica , Juan Carlos

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ina Rimpau.

This loan is special because:

It provides low-income, micro entrepreneurs with loans to increase their income.

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Lenders and lending teams

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