This wonderful woman is Lyubov. She is 64 years old, a widow, and the mother of 2 wonderful children. She has a secondary education and is a very hardworking and sympathetic woman. Her children have always played a vital role in her life, so she is always full of strength and energy for their sake. She has been engaged in trade for many years. Her children help her with the business. In her store, she mainly sells soap and detergents (soap, shampoo, etc.). To further develop her business, Lyubov applied to Bai-Tushum Bank for a loan of 100,000 KGS. She will use the loan to develop her trading business, to increase here working capital in order to increase the number of goods in circulation. Lyubov plans to use the revenue from the loan to develop her business in order to provide her children with a wonderful and carefree life.
Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Ann Merrill. View original language description.