A loan helped a member buy and sell vitamins and supplements.

Mujeres Emprendedoras Group's story

The group leader is still Marta Aydee. They have been getting loans from FAPE on Kiva for several years and are very grateful. Marta Aydee still sells vitamins and dietary supplements from a known brand. She sells by visiting her clients in their homes, and this allows her to help them in a personalized way. With her earnings she maintains her household; she is a widow. She is seeking a loan to buy products wholesale so she can have better earnings. She dreams of seeing her business prosper and knows that with consistency in her work and attention to her clients she will achieve this.

In this group: Marta Aydee, Keny Carola, Alejandra Abigail, Claudia Maria, Josefina, Glendy Antonieta, Yoselinne Meliza

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Christine Cooper.

This loan is special because:

The Field Partner is a leader in women's empowerment in Guatemala.

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