A loan helped to buy agricultural supplies.

Luis Alberto's story

Luis is a farmer who is honest, hardworking, and dedicated to the well-being of his family. Luis already knows the work of these institutions, because in the past he was granted a loan. This loan was a great help for him, as it enabled him to purchase supplies that he needed in order to get a good harvest.

At this time, Luis is returning to request a new loan from Kiva and MiCredito to buy organic fertilizer, minerals for the soil, soil enhancers, foliar sprays, seeds, and fungicides. With these supplies, he will be assured a better production of beans. In the future, Luis wants to strengthen his livestock business.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Lisa Grobar.

This loan is special because:

The repayments are aligned with harvest season.

Loan details

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