A loan helped to purchase cattle for her farm expansion.

Zhyldyzkan's story

Lovely Zhyldyzkan expresses her sincere gratitude to Kiva and all the lenders who offered her their financial support. She has successfully paid off all her previous loans.

Zhyldyzkan, 60, is married and a mother to three wonderful grown children. Zhyldyzkan's husband actively helps his wife to take care of their livestock. Currently there are nine cows and a horse on her farm. Livestock is raised on the territory adjacent to the house where all the necessary conditions are in place.

With the goal of further developing her farm, Zhyldyzkan once again turned to Bai Tushum Bank for a loan, this time in the amount of 200,000 som (KGS), to buy cattle in order to increase income form cattle breeding. Profit from the loan will help increase productivity of her farm and her income. Zhyldyzkan hopes to achieve desired result and create a better life for her wonderful children.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Irina Medukha.

This loan is special because:

The borrower receives a lower interest rate to fund their agriculture activities.

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