A loan helped to purchase cattle to increase the size of her herd.

Sulumbubu's story

This wonderful woman is Sulumbubu. She is 64 years old, married, and has dependent two children. She has a secondary education. By nature, she is a kind and responsive woman. As the main source of income for her family, she has raised livestock since 1993. Thanks to her hard work and her spouse’s help, her farm currently has 2 cows, 2 horses, and 30 sheep. Her property has all the necessary conditions for keeping livestock. The region where Sulumbubu lives is wonderfully suited for breeding and raising livestock. Every summer, the livestock are sent out to pasture.

In order to further develop her farm, she is seeking a loan of 100,000 KGS to buy cattle so she can increase the size of her herd. This, of course, will help increase the farm’s productivity and her income at the same time. Sulumbubu hopes to achieve her goal and create the best life for her family.

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Claire Davis.

This loan is special because:

The borrower receives a lower interest rate to fund their agriculture activities.

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