A loan helped to buy "toquilla" straw.

Jose Jimmy's story

José, age 34, a native of Montecristi in the coastal region of Ecuador. He is in a common law relationship and does not have children yet. José only has a primary school education, and he works making artisanal hats from "toquilla" straw. This is a craft of great national recognition.

José dreams of having a hat store, and he is sure that with effort, he will achieve that. This loan will help him to buy the principal material, "toquilla" straw. Thus he will be able to make a larger quantity of hats, for sale as a street vendor as well as to fill orders.

José is a good man who wants to get ahead with his partner and to form a family that is financially and emotionally solid.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Joann S.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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