A loan helped to buy trousers, dresses, underwear, shoes, sheets, costume jewellery, and perfume among other things.

Yaneth Sandra's story

Yaneth Sandra is 39 years old. She’s divorced and has two children aged 14 and 6. They live in the outskirts of Monticristi, a town of humble folk who work the fields and make handicrafts.
Yaneth Sandra is a dedicated woman who seeks out ways to earn an income she can use to provide her children with a respectable life. She’s both a mother and a father at the same time and she finds it hard to raise her children. She sells clothes, shoes, costume jewellery and other catalogue products from a Colombian magazine that’s very popular in Ecuador. She does this door to door, from home and via social networks. She sells on credit and charges weekly. She is managing to get ahead in spite of hardship.
The loan is to buy trousers, dresses, underwear, shoes, sheets, costume jewellery and perfume among other items.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Simon Robinson.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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