A loan helped a member to buy inventory for her business.

06 Cielo Bendecido Group's story

Paola is a member of the communal bank "06 Cielo Bendecido". She is 36 years old and is a single mother that has 6 children.

She has had a business that sells diapers through the internet and at markets for 2 years. The loan she is requesting is to buy more inventory so she can sell in the markets. Her goal is to be able to expand her business until she has her own store and to provide education to her children so they become professionals and have a better future.

In this group: Guadalupe, Jacquelin, Paola Carina, Maria Sonia, Jorge Luis, Victoria Lourdes, Ricardo, Adelfa, Yesica Mireya

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Caroline Z.

This loan is special because:

It provides low-income, micro entrepreneurs with loans to increase their income.

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