A loan helped a member to buy merchandise and foodstuffs for her store.

01 Union 24 Group's story

Ms. Claudia is a member of Community Bank 01 Union 24. She is currently 45 years old and has a life partner and two children.

She has had a neighborhood store in in her home for four years. The loan she is getting is for buying merchandise and foodstuffs for her store.

Her goal is to be able to grow her business and have a mini-market. Her aspiration is to be able to provide for her children and for them to be professionals.

In this group: Claudia Mabel, Palmira, Bernardo, Fernando Daniel, Maria Eugenia, Juan Pablo, Mery, Yoly

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Mary Jean .

This loan is special because:

It provides low-income, micro entrepreneurs with loans to increase their income.

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