A loan helped to buy peanuts and small fish for resale.

Rudasingwa's story

Rudasingwa M. is a merchant in the Rubavu sector. She is 38 years old, widowed, was born in the Democratic Republic of Congo, has 2 children who are 17 and 19 years old, and also takes care of 5 people. All of her children attend school, and she finished 2 years of secondary school. This loan is her first with ACB (one of Kiva's field partners), and she is going to use it to buy peanuts and small fish to resell them as part of her business. Her strategy to increase her business is to raise her sales volume at the market and to travel to where her products come from (Tanzania and Uganda) in order to make larger profits. She would like to become a large distributor of the goods she currently sells, and to move beyond the retail level and become a wholesaler. As for her life, she would like to improve her family's standard of living, and educate her own children as well as all of the other ones in her care.

Translated from French.

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