A loan helped to purchase rice, sugar, detergents, sausages, tuna and many other groceries to stock her store.

Johanna Patricia's story

Johanna Patricia and her family live in the city of Portoviejo, a beautiful place that combines rural landscapes, beaches and a varied cuisine to attract tourists to this lovely location.

She is a hardworking woman who tries to earn a living to help her husband keep the household going and maintain their children. This is thanks to the loans which are very helpful to her and for which she is very grateful. She has a grocery shop in her house where she sells rice, sugar, detergent, sausages and many other supplies with which she meets the needs of her customers who arrive every day and whom she attends kindly.

This loan is to purchase rice, sugar, detergents, sausages, tuna and many other groceries to stock her store.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Philip Walker.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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