A loan helped to buy meat, fish, and other grocery items to prepare food.

Ela Maria's story

Ela Maria is 64 years old. Her husband passed away some time ago, and she has 6 children from her marriage, all of them grown. They live in Portoviejo, a beautiful place that blends rural landscapes, beaches, and a varied cuisine. It is attractive for tourists who visit this beautiful state.

Ela Maria is a very hardworking woman who seeks a way to earn her income so that she can get ahead on her own and without depending on her children. This is possible only with the help she receives from the loans. She prepares and sells food, preparing lunches to deliver to homes and workplaces, or to sell from her home where her customers go to try the delicious things she makes with love. On weekends, she cooks sausages, which she sells in her home or delivers to the homes of those who order from her.

This loan is to buy meat, fish, and other grocery items to prepare the food.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Donohue.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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