A loan helped purchase clothes, shoes, perfume, creams, cosmetics and more.

Rosario Beatriz's story

Rosario Beatriz lives with her family in Portoviejo, known for its beautiful landscapes featuring countryside and beaches and a varied gastronomy that appeals to tourists.
Rosario enjoys earning an income and helping her husband to get ahead, which they have been able to do since receiving a previous loan, for which she is very grateful. Rosario sells clothing and shoes from a catalog and Yanbal products (beauty products, cosmetics, perfumes and ladies' accessories) going door-to-door, from her home and over the phone. She sells on credit and is paid weekly, so that she can buy stock as she is paid.
This loan is to purchase clothes, shoes, perfume, creams, cosmetics and more.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ina Rimpau.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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