A loan helped to purchase scrap metal and plastic.

Thelma's story

Thelma is a 45-year-old single woman who supports her family by operating a junk shop and a food vending (barbecue) business. She lives in the island of Cebu, Philippines. Thelma joined NWTF-Project Dungganon in 2005 because she aspired for something better for her family. With the help of her past 11 loans from NWTF-Project Dungganon, Thelma has been incrementally lifting her family out of poverty by the sweat of her brow. Her previous loan of PHP 15,000 helped her earn a monthly profit of PHP 8,000, uplifting the family's standard of living. This time, for her 12th loan, she is borrowing PHP 20,000 to purchase scrap metal and plastic so that she can continue to save up for future house repairs. Thelma is a Dungganon woman who is following an honorable path toward the achievement of her dreams.

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