A loan helped to buy hay and fodder for her livestock.

Kishimzhan's story

Kishimzhan sends greetings from Kyrgystan. She has successfully repaid all her prior laons and thanks Kiva for the financing she received earlier. Thanks to the help of Kiva and all lender, Kishimzhan managed to buy hay for her livestock.

At present Kishimzhan has once again reached out to Bai Tushum hoping for a new loan. She would like to obtain a loan of 150,000 KGS to buy hay and fodder for her livestock in order to increase her income from raising livestock. She currently owns 70 sheep and 3 cows. In her yard there is everythng necessary to keep livestock. Kishimzhan lives in a region perfectly suitable for raising livestock. Every summer the livestock is brought out to green pastures. The income from this loan will allow Kishimzhan to improve the financial situation of her family. Kishimzhan thanks all Kiva lenders for support and wishes you all the best.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Katharina S.

This loan is special because:

The borrower receives a lower interest rate to fund their agriculture activities.

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