A loan helped to buy sets of bedsheets, towels and a range of groceries.

Rosa Margarita's story

Rosa Margarita and her family live in Montecristi, a place which is renowned for its artisan crafts made from toquilla straw, wicker, piquigua [a tropical plant used for weaving], and wood; as well as high quality hats made from toquilla straw, known across the world as "Panama hats", which are well known throughout the country and further afield. Rosa Margarita is very grateful for the loans she has received, which have helped her to increase her sales. She sells sets of bedsheets and towels. She visits her customers door to door, letting them buy the merchandise on credit and collecting payments every week. On Saturdays, she prepares and sells dishes which are regional specialties and she is helped by her daughter. This loan is to buy sets of bedsheets, towels and a range of groceries to help her continue preparing the delicious dishes.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Elizabeth Daw.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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