A loan helped to buy tools and replace the ones that are already damaged so he can offer a better service.

Jairo Vicente's story

Jairo Vicente and his family live in Rocafuerte, a place known both inside and outside the country for its traditional artisanal sweets made with recipes passed down from generation to generation.

He is a hardworking man, looking for ways to earn an honest living for him and his family. He can achieve this thanks to the loans, for which he is grateful and requests your continuous support.

He makes a living working as a plumber and electrician. He works on contracts with people who seek him out for installations or repairs in residential and commercial locations in the city. He has several clients who prefer him because of the quality of his work.

This loan is to buy tools and replace the ones that are already damaged so he can offer a better service.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Liliana S.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

Loan details

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Loan details