A loan helped to buy pants, shirts, blouses, shoes, perfumes, creams, costume jewelry, and make-up, among other products.

Ruth Maria's story

Mrs. Ruth Maria and her family live in Rocafuerte. It is well known inside and out for its traditional artisanal sweets made from recipes passed on from generation to generation.

She is a hard worker that, despite her older age, tries to earn a living and move forward together with her family. This is achieved with the help of Kiva loans and for that she is very appreciative and is seeking continued support.

She works in the sale of clothes, shoes, Yanbal products, Avon and Belcorp (perfumes, creams, costume jewelry, and cosmetics). She makes sales from her house and by telephone. She sells on credit and collects every 8 days. In this way she makes an honest living.

This loan will be used to buy pants, shirts, blouses, shoes, perfumes, creams, costume jewelry, and make-up, among other things.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer David DiSilvestro.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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