A loan helped to purchase livestock to increase her number of livestock.

Sharapat's story

This wonderful woman is Sharapat. She is 54 and married with three wonderful children. She has a high school education and is a kind, responsible and responsive woman. She has been working in animal husbandry for 20 years as the primary source of income for her family. Thanks to her hard work and help from her husband she currently has 30 sheep on her farm. She has everything needed to care for livestock right on her property. The region she lives in is very well suited to raising livestock, and she sends her animals to graze every summer.

In order to further develop her farm, Sharapat is asking Kiva for a loan of 70,000 KGS to buy livestock to increase her head count. This is sure to help raise the productivity of her farm and, therefore, her income. She is hoping to make this happen and to build a better life for her family.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Kat Tancock.

This loan is special because:

The borrower receives a lower interest rate to fund their agriculture activities.

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