A loan helped to buy a laptop for her work at a school.

Ozodakhon's story

This dear woman is called Ozodakhon. She is 35 years old and married and is the mother of two wonderful children. Ozodakhon's children and husband play a special role in her life. She has been working as a teacher at a school for five years and teaches English. Her average monthly salary is currently 30,000 som per month.

Ozodakhon loves her work and the children very much and tries to give the children a maximum of knowledge. Therefore, in order to optimize the teaching process, she applied to Bai Tushum Bank for a loan of 45,600 som (KGS) to buy a laptop for her work at the school. Without a doubt, this will help increase the effectiveness of holding classes and will provide the opportunity to give the students more information. Ozodakhon hopes to achieve the desired result and thanks everyone for the support.

Translated from Russian.

This loan is special because:

It offers low-interest financing for underserved students so they can pursue a better education.

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