Lovely Shokhsanam is 41-years-old, married and has 3 children. She has secondary education. She is a kind, responsible and sympathetic woman. As the main income for her family she works as a kindergarten teacher and has been farming livestock for several years. As of today there are 212 sheep and 7 cows on the farm.
Shokhsanam loves her work as kindergarten teacher and tries to give her children a good and quality education. With this purpose, she applied to the Bai Tushum Bank for a loan of 45,600 Soms (KGS) to buy a laptop. The computer will certainly help to improve the efficiency of the teaching sessions and enable Shokhsan to conduct more informative and interesting lessons.
She hopes to achieve the desired result and give the children a better education.
Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer M.C. Brandt. View original language description.