A loan helped to purchase a laptop to optimize the classroom learning process.

Gulzaada's story

This wonderful woman is Gulzaada. She is 48 years old, is married, and has four lovely children. College educated, she has taught for several years in a school, where she makes a good salary. Her work in the classroom is an enormous pleasure to her, and she wants to give her students a good education.

With this goal in mind, Gulzaada has turned to Bai Tushum Bank for a loan of 45,600 som (KGS), to buy a new laptop, which will optimize the teaching process. This will unquestionably help enhance Gulzaada's efficiency as a teacher and allow her to be in constant contact with her students and their parents. Gulzaada is hoping to achieve her desired result and create better conditions for her students.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Liv Bliss.

This loan is special because:

It offers low-interest financing for underserved students so they can pursue a better education.

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