A loan helped to buy a new laptop for her work in the classroom.

Zhanylai's story

This radiant woman is Zhanylai, who is 52 years old and, together with her husband, is raising four children. She is friendly, open, and responsible by nature. At the present time she is working as a school teacher. Even as a child, Zhanylai dreamed of being a teacher and now does her very best to give her students a good, high-quality education.

For this reason, Zhanylai has turned to Bai Tushum Bank for a loan of 45,600 som (KGS), to buy a new laptop. Her goal in this is to use it in her teaching. (The photograph shows her with a speaker donated by our partners.)

This loan will enable her to make the teaching process easier, to find more necessary and interesting information to convey to her students. Zhanylai thanks all of Kiva's lenders for their support and wishes you all the very best.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Liv Bliss.

This loan is special because:

It offers low-interest financing for underserved students so they can pursue a better education.

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