A loan helped to buy mulches and manure.

Elias's story

Elias is 74 years old, He is married and blessed with six children who are all are out of school. He is a resident of the rural area of Kibasti Ntungamo. The main activity in this area is farming. The residents have been depending on the farming of seasonal crops but, because of the climate change in the past 10 years, they have been encouraged to plant coffee trees to get income and also modify rainfall.

Elias is among those who have responded positively, and he has a coffee and banana plantation. However, to be able to control soil erosion, he has requested funds to buy mulches and manure for increased production, He plans to buy more land and expand his farming business and, thereby, get more revenue and keep his children in school.

Thank you, funders.

This loan is special because:

It helps rural farmers to increase productivity and their income.

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