CCristina Portugal
- Lori and Darren Midland, MI, United States
- Andrew San Francisco, CA, United States
TTeri Cape Vincent, NY, United States
- Sharon Gustavsburg, Germany
- Peter Los Angeles, CA, United States
- CDreams Stockholm, Sweden
- Emily & John
Kind Elmira expresses her gratitude to all of Kiva’s lender for the support she previously received. Now she has decided to apply for financing again, and she hopes to get a good result. Elmira is married and has four children. She has a higher education. She is a kind and sympathetic woman by nature. As the family's main source of income, she has raised livestock and grown crops for many years. Thanks to her hard work, her farm currently has 7 cows, 20 sheep, and 2 horses.
In order to further develop her business, Elmira has applied to Bai Tushum Bank again for a loan of 200,000 KGS to purchase dairy cows so she can increase her sales of organic milk. The proceeds from the loan will help improve her family’s financial situation and expand the farm.
Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Claire Davis. View original language description.