A loan helped a member to purchase bags of corn, 50 kg of millet, 50 kg of flour, 50 kg of sorghum, heating wood etc.

Ufalme Group's story

Mbambu S. is an entrepreneur and the leader of the Ufalme work group. She is 43 yeas old, married, and the mother of 9 children, two of whom already live separately and seven are still in school. Her husband is a governmental employee in public service. Mbambu S. sells traditional local drink called “madrakwa juice.” She has been in this business for several years. She just completed eight loan cycles with IMF Hekima, with the goal of bolstering her business capital. Mbambu S.’s family depends on her business, especially since public employees in Congo are not paid regularly, and when they do receive their salaries, the pay level is so low that it does not last the family for the entire month, nor does it allow for savings. This new loan will help Mbambu S. to stock up with the new ingredients (raw matters) in order to prepare “mandrakwa” (five bags of corn, 50 kg of millet, 50 kg of flour, 50 kg of sorghum, heating wood etc). In addition, her goal is to ensure the continuation of her business and to provide for proper education for her children. As a client of IMF, Mbambu S. is grateful to IMF Hekima for its actions in support of impoverished women who do not have access to traditional banking. The Ufalme group is composed of 20 members, mainly women. One of the group members [in the photo] is carrying a child on her back.

In this group: Kibuya, Nakavu, Mbambu, Kanyere, Riziki, Vumilia, Mapendo, Riziki, M'vukiyehe, Shukuru, Bitafama, Amani, Betina, Mwamini, Kavira, N'simire, Bahati, Muhigo, Kavira, Kahindo

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Katharina S.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details