A loan helped to buy an industrial stove, a multi-functioned blender and more products for her variety store.

Yakelin Vanessa's story

Four years ago, Yakelin was twenty-three years old with a high school diploma and a mother of two children. Her husband works for the municipality where they live in the department/state of Retalhuleu. He also has a blacksmith shop. She opened her variety store at that time and started selling clothing, purses, caps and earrings. Yakelin has one employee who helps her with this business. One year ago, she began another business selling delicious regional appetizer foods. She enjoys great advantages with this business because there are no other similar businesses in her area. She will use her first Kiva loan to buy an industrial stove, a multi-functioned blender and more merchandise for her variety store. Her goal is to enlarge the food business.

Every two weeks, Yakelin participates in a technical training as she has joined the Friendship Bridge “Bridge to Success’ program. She learns about how to manage her businesses best so that she can be empowered and successful. She has a business plan and hopes to achieve the goals that she has set by the end of her current loan cycle.

With her income, Yakelin will continue to support household expenses and the education of her older son who is in the second grade. She is grateful to Kiva lenders partnering with Friendship Bridge. Thank you to each of you!

This loan is special because:

It empowers women to build successful businesses and become leaders in their community.

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Lenders and lending teams

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