A loan helped to buy fertilizers and organic insecticides to improve his production.

Andres Joan's story

Andres Joan is 20. He is single and he lives in the house of his parents. They live in the parish of San Sebastian in the canton of Pichincha, a place known for agricultural excellence, of hardworking people dedicated to farmwork and the raising of animals.

He is a very hardworking man who seeks the way to gain his necessary resources that will allow him to forge a better future and also to help his parents move ahead.

For them, the life in the countryside is very difficult as they do not have basic services like education and health among others. But despite these needs he tries to continue, together with his family.

Together with his parents, they have a farm. There they have crops of cacao and banana, crops that he hopes with the help of the loan will improve, and that will in turn improve the quality of production. They use natural irrigation systems and also organic fertilizer and insecticides with which he tries to protect the environment.

This loan is for fertilizers and organic insecticides to improve his production.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Charissa Nelson.

This loan is special because:

It helps farmers adapt to a changing climate.

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