A loan helped a member buy a fryer, potatoes and oil.

Kusi Ccoyllor Group's story

Natividad Jesusa is a member of the Kusi Ccoyllor community bank, which is located in the district of Vilcabamba, province of La Convencion and department of Cusco.
Natividad Jesusa sells salchipapas on public roads, she works in the afternoons and evenings, she has many customers and wants to expand her business by improving her conditions and working capital and in the future open a salchipaperia chicken shop in a place with the conditions that she and her customers deserve. She needs to buy a fryer, potatoes and oil.

She thanks the Kiva investors and undertakes to pay back her loan.

In this group: Cirila, Edelmira, Agueda, Julia, Eva, Natividad Jesusa, Agripina, Carmen Rosa, Esmila, Aydee, Letizia

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Steve Northam.

This loan is special because:

It reaches borrowers in underserved and disadvantaged areas in Peru.

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