A loan helped a member to purchase merchandise.

Prosperidad Group's story

Sandra is a member of the group "Prosperidad". She earns a living selling cosmetics both at home and on the go, which helps her generate income to be able to meet the needs of her family. She is the mother of 3 children.

She has always dedicated herself to this business because it allows her to manage her time. She comments that after receiving the loan in the previous cycle, her business improved a lot. With the group, they are in need of courses and trainings to acquire more knowledge and have more options to undertake.

Sandra dreams of being a successful businesswoman by having her own company and being able to leave a legacy for future generations. With the current loan, she plans to invest in more merchandise such as creams, perfumes, cosmetics, and makeup, among other products that will allow her to expand her catalog.

Other women in the group are dedicated to selling clothing, lingerie, footwear, and cosmetics while some have other ventures such as a hair salon.

In this group: Rumilda Marlene, Antonia Elizabeth, Lucia, Porfiria, Romina, Luz Magdalena, Sandra Paola, Gabriela, Ramona, Alicia, Gladys Romina, Susana Elizabeth, Nancy Del Carmen, Maria Mercedes, Maria Graciela

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Emily Dungan.

This loan is special because:

It helps low income entrepreneurs access working capital and grow their businesses.

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