A loan helped to buy rice, detergent, sugar, cleaning products, dairy products and other items to stock her store.

Flor Maria's story

Flor Maria and her family live in the Jaramijo canton, a place of beautiful beaches and a varied and delicious cuisine, a place favoured by tourists to spend their holidays year round.

Flor is a hard-working woman searching for a way to make a living in order to get ahead with her family.

She runs a general store from her home, where she sells a variety of products which she has managed to stock through the help of the loans. Flor is very grateful and asks for your continued support.

Her customers can find rice, detergent, sugar, cleaning products, dairy products and many more items at her store, managing to meet the demand of customers who come daily to her store.

This loan is to buy rice, detergent, sugar, cleaning products, diary products and other items to stock her store.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Elaine Berry de Pulido.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

Loan details

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