Carrying a hoe on her shoulder and another in her hand, the group's representative is called Adiaratou. She is 52 years old, married and mother of an 8-year-old daughter and two boys aged 4 and 15, two of whom are schoolchildren. She works in agriculture as does her husband. The couple lives in Mali and survives almost exclusively on what they farm, in particular peanut and rice cultivation for over 20 years. Adiaratou's concern is the lack of adequate means to work her field during the sowing periods, which is why when she learned about the services of RMCR-Kiva in her locality, she seized the opportunity. This request for funding is for the purpose of plowing her field and stocking up on agricultural inputs in order to increase her yield to one ton of rice. After the harvest, the production is divided into two parts; one stored for the household food supply and the other sold to buyers who come to shop in the locality. This money is used to repay the loan and pay the children's school fees. She wants to provide a better life for her children in the future.
In this group: Adiaratou, Bintou, Maimoune, Djenebou, Fatoumata, Aissa Solomane, Aissa, Rokia, Salimata, Balakissa, Mamou, Diarah, Bintou, Karidiatou, Assitan, Sitan, Massitan, Aissa F, Saly, Sanata, Madina

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Carol Shea. View original language description.