A loan helped to purchase building materials, for partial repair of the house.

Nuriyla's story

Nuriyla successfully repaid her earlier loan, she is very grateful to Kiva and to everybody who helped her with the financing. Nuriyla is 75 years old, she is married and the mother of 5 children. Nuriyla has a secondary education. By nature she is very hardworing and cheerful. She has been working with village farming for many long years.

Nuriyla's farm today has 4 cows, 30 sheep, and 2 hectares of land where she grows various crops as needed. Nuriyla and her husband try to give their children and grandchildren all the best and most comfortable life. It is with this goal that Nuriyla applied to the bank "Bai-Tushum" for a loan in the amount of 50,000 som (KGS) to buy building materials to make partial home repairs. The loan money will help to improve her family's living conditions and build a comfortable life for her children.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Susan Vdovichenko.

This loan is special because:

It helps low-income families improve their living conditions and reduce their energy consumption

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