A loan helped to buy meat, chicken, fish, and other supplies to prepare food.

Angela Briohilda's story

Angela Briohilda and her family live in Rocafuerte, a place known for its delicious artisanal sweets made by the locals and that are highly sought after throughout Ecuador.

She is a hardworking woman who looks for ways to earn a living and help her spouse with the household expenses. This is possible because of the support of loans. She is grateful for the support she has received and asks for your continued help.

At home, she prepares food and snacks based on orders from her customers and delivers to their houses or workplaces.

In addition, during weekdays, she runs a snack kiosk in a local school where she makes breakfast and nutritional dishes for the students who are her best customers.

This loan is to buy meat, chicken, fish, and other supplies to prepare food.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Liliana S.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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