The committee named “Santo Domingo” was formed by several friends and neighbors. They set a goal to grow, not only financially, but also as people. In addition, they are participating in the poverty elimination program so that they can work together to achieve a better future.
One of the members is Sra. Maria Cristina, who is a mother of five children. She said that she works hard on behalf of her family so that she can help them and provide them with better living conditions. Her work enables her to contribute to the support of her household and her family. Maria Cristina sells milk for a living. She has her own milk-producing animals.
Maria Cristina says that her business requires sacrifice, so she does whatever she can to provide her loved ones with everything she did not have. She is requesting a loan to buy a dairy cow so that she can continue producing and selling milk. This will enable her to continue her work as before.
In this group: Liliana Beatriz, Sady Numidia, Maria Cristina, Agueda, Karen Natalia, Petrona, Maria Luisa, Etelvina, Saidy Belen, Luciana, Narcisa Mabel, Blanca Graciela, Castorina, Lourdes Maria, Esther Noemi, Fidelina, Florentina, Nidia Olga, Leydys Viviana, Deysi Maribel, Diana Yanina, Maria Dejesus, Rosario Ysabel, Juana, Rosa Carolina

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica. View original language description.