A loan helped to buy two pigs to fatten and feed to add to their diet.

Marie Claudine's story

Marie Claudine is a 56-year-old woman. She is married and the couple has three children, two of whom are already independent. She lives in a rural village and the couple owns a clay house there. She has been involved in pig farming for more than 10 years. Her husband is a butcher.

Marie Claudine wants to increase her pig breeding in order to improve her income, so she has joined Vahatra to take out a loan. With the loaned funds, she will purchase two pigs to fatten and feed to add to their diet. She will resell her pigs after a few months at the city market, and then she will buy more.

She will deposit her earnings into savings to renovate their house later. She has high hopes for lenders.

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Siobhan Coady.

This loan is special because:

It helps the poorest of the poor in Madagascar to improve their lives.

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