“Yvera” is the name of this committee. All of its members help one another. They have set a goal to grow, not only financially, but also as people so that their loved ones lack nothing.
Amalia Esther is one of the members. She sells natural remedies for a living. Amalia Esther says that her modest business enables her to provide her family with everything that she did not have. She wants to keep working so that she can continue to support her family and provide them with a decent life.
Amalia Esther is pleased to be a member of this committee because it is an opportunity, not only for herself, but also for her fellow group members. She is requesting a loan to buy a variety of natural remedies so that she can continue her sales and satisfy her customers.
Note: The children in the photo belong to members of the group who are participating in this loan.
In this group: Angelina, Asela, Angelina, Monica Sofia, Liz Carolina, Maria Del Carmen, Nadia Garilin, Noelia Noemi, Rosa Marina, Ramona, Liz Graciela, Amalia Esther, Librada, Yenifer Belen, Rosanna, Maria Delia, Andrea Anselma
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica. View original language description.