This man's name is Fazliddin, he is 54 years old, married with 2 children. He has specialized secondary education. He is a kind and sympathetic person.
As the main income for his family he has been breeding cattle and field farming for 20 years. On the territory of the household there are all the necessary conditions for cattle breeding. Thanks to his hard work, today he has an inspiring farm of 4 cows and 0.31 hectares of land, thanks to which Fazliddin sells ecologically clean milk every day.
To further develop his business, he applied to the Bai Tushum Bank for a loan of 150,000 Soms (KGS) to purchase more animals and thus increase his income from animal husbandry. The income from the loan will help improve his family's financial situation.
Fazliddin thanks all Kiva lenders for their support and wishes you all the best.
Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer M.C. Brandt. View original language description.