A loan helped to buy thoroughbred livestock to increase his income.

Abdimalik's story

This cheerful man is called Abdimalik. He is 34 and married with two school-aged children. He has a higher education and has been working as a police officer for 12 years. He is an active, hardworking, kind and honest man.

Abdimalik and his family live in a region that is wonderfully suited to raising livestock. He has been working in agriculture since 2005 and currently has six cows and 50 sheep on his farm. He keeps his livestock on his own property and has everything needed to keep them; he fattens and sells them as needed.

Abdimalik is asking Kiva for a loan of 200,000 KGS to develop his farm by buying thoroughbred livestock to increase his income from animal husbandry and to prepare for the winter. The income will help improve his family's financial situation and improve their living conditions.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Kat Tancock.

This loan is special because:

The borrower receives a lower interest rate to fund their agriculture activities.

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