A loan helped a member to buy notebooks, books, and pencils.

Las Emprendedoras 2014 Group's story

These borrowers belong to the Las Emprendedoras 2014 communal bank.

Maria Jesus works in the bookstore/office/school supplies business. She sells notebooks, pencils, and pens. She has had this business for several years and it is going very well for her. Her dream is to expand the business. She is asking for this loan to buy notebooks, books, and pencils.

Maria Jesus is happy with the loan and she is committed to making her payments on time.

In this group: Jhuliana, Otilia, Jesica, Mirian, Maria Jesus, Placida, Rene, Karolina, Yovana, Korina

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Donohue.

This loan is special because:

It reaches borrowers in underserved and disadvantaged areas in Peru.

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