A loan helped to buy a delivery van to reach more customers who could not previously afford clean drinking water.

Mary's story

Mary is a passionate franchisee, who loves her business. She says her business helps her to improve people’s welfare through safe drinking water.

Mary used her previous loan to buy bottles, which she was able to lend to people that could not afford the upfront prices, and they paid in installments. Customers have become loyal to her, and the business is growing and expanding. She is opening up many retailers, which will help her customers from afar to get Jibu at their nearest shop.

Mary anticipates a big challenge of transportation, because she has no means to deliver her goods. This loan will help her to purchase a delivery van that she will use to supply drinking water to all the retailers and also to customers that buy in big quantities.

This loan is special because:

It helps entrepreneurs grow their client base and increases access to affordable, clean water.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details